Entries from 2022-07-01 to 1 month
I'm keeping on reading Takashi Akutsu's "The Journal of Reading" with Blur's album "Leisure". Sometimes I think about why I read this book. This can't provide any useful knowledge for my work. It doesn't have any great things for my life. …
I'm interested in the author Don Delillo. TBH, although once I learned American literature at a university, I have almost never read this writer's works until now (because of this incomplete reading, I have never read Thomas Pynchon and Ri…
Today was a day off. This morning, I talked with a friend online by Discord. I talked about the group home I live in, the election we experienced, the English conversation class I attend, and the job I'm keeping on doing. It was a pleasant…
BGM : Masayoshi Yamazaki "HOME"今日は休みだった。午前中、とある方とDiscordを通じて通話をする。私が住んでいるグループホームのことや今回行われた選挙のこと、私が通っている英会話教室や私が続けている仕事のことなどを話す。楽しいひと時だった。た…
BGM : The Other Two "The Other Two & You"I started reading Yoshio Kataoka's "To Outside of Japanese" with Takashi Akutsu's "The Journal of Reading". Reading the part of his criticizing the Gulf War, I remembered my teenage days when I had …
BGM : The Other Two "The Other Two & You"阿久津隆『読書の日記』と並んで、片岡義男『日本語の外へ』を読み始めた。湾岸戦争に関する考察が行われているところを読み、私自身足りない頭を駆使して高校生の頃に湾岸戦争について考えたことを思い出す。現在…
I started Takashi Akutsu's "The Journal of Reading" again. This is the third time I read this. This reading provides what? Or I should ask why I read this book... I almost forget the content soon even if I read it carefully... My reading m…
In the afternoon I thought while I ate udon as lunch. At last, I lived with a leftist. Probably I will die as so... but why? why does the left idea attract me? I can't see. TBH I have to say that I have never read Marx. Also, I have never …
After a long night, I worked early. I did my work as usual. As I had written yesterday, I believe that living our daily life steadily and controlling ourselves properly should be the best way to survive this emergency state. No surrender t…
Today was a day off. This morning I noticed that Judith had opened her room on Clubhouse so I attended there. In that room, I met a blind pianist from Thailand so I greeted her. I said, "I wrote my journal in my profile so read it if you l…
I remember the tweet Masaya Chiba posted yesterday. In the scene, every precious meal is called a number at a restaurant. How can we see that? Of course, it's easy to laugh at how naive this tweet, which is trying to tell us about how capi…
This morning I read a Japanese philosopher, Masaya Chiba's tweet. He found a problem in Saizeriya's menu because the meals are treated by each number. He found the moment that every meal, that must be basically precious, becomes numbers th…
Today was a day off. I went to the library and borrow Freud's and Bateson's books. After that, I went to Aeon and read Tim Ingold's "Being Alive" with chilling. Although I tried to write my ideas on my memo pad, as usual, nothing came to m…
Today I worked late. In the morning I read Tim Ingold's "Being Alive". I was a bit surprised because this book discusses a topic I am just interested in now. Being alive means not staying still but starting moving. For example, walking, th…
My birthday. Today I attended the meeting about English that once I heard about. BTW I'm using an au phone, and because of its trouble, I couldn't make an appointment for that meeting. The members accepted my sudden joining. They were tryi…
Today is the last day of my 46. 46 years old... Kenji Nakagami and Albert Camus had written various masterpieces by this age. I have written nothing. I have just gotten old... but I believe that living well is good. I have lived by this ag…
What am I doing? I think about this. What have I achieved in this life... Probably I have lost the purpose of this life. I wished I could become a pro writer. I had done a lot to that. But it would end just like a dream. That's OK. I have …