Entries from 2021-10-01 to 1 month
Anyway, that was quite a nightmare period... a tweet said so. It was about 10 years ago. The period that our people had changed the party that govern this country (so-called "Regime Change"). But TBH I don't have any certain memory about t…
My work is made of physical essence. Even in this cold season, I move my body for work and then I feel the heat from that moving. Today my body got warm again as usual. This heat is the thing that gives me the true feeling of my work. This…
I've read Kenichi Yoshida's "Time" today. The author Kenichi Yoshida thinks about the time itself which works with our life seriously. This might sound too much but I thought that Yoshida might want to save the world by writing this book. …
I've read Toshiyuki Horie's "Forgetting days at a riverbank" at last. This novel is a collection of very short chapters (maybe they are so-called "fragments"). This novel doesn't have any stories and also stays quiet. It is like a ship the…
はてなブログ10周年特別お題「はてなブロガーに10の質問」 ブログ名もしくはハンドルネームの由来は? 「Back To Life」というタイトルはSoul II Soulというイギリスのソウル・ミュージック・グループの曲から採った。たまたまこのブログを作ろうと思ってい…
Today I've read "Keizo Hino Selected Short Stories" Volume 1&2. It's difficult to explain Keizo Hino's style of writing. It's like the literature which has the taste of Science Fiction or just nearby the world of J.G.Ballard... this makes …
Today I attended the English conversation class. The teacher is from Hawaii and told us some interesting topics about Hawaii (For example, "Jurassic Park" was made in Hawaii). Of course, I did my self-introduction to others. That was a gam…
I read Toshiyuki Horie's "Forgetting days at a riverbank" a little. In this novel, the main character reads "The Complete Works of Chekhov". I have never read Chekhov seriously but this part made me read his works more so I reserved his bo…
I went to a library and borrowed Natsuki Ikezawa's book "Nautical Chart and Logbook. I've read this book for the first time when I was a college student, about 25 years ago. This kind of book which has a "long friendship" with me is rare f…
I wanted to read Natsuki Ikezawa's books again so I will read his one "Nautical Chart and Logbook" from a library. And I read Richard Brautigan's, the author whose poems Natsuki Ikezawa had translated into a book "In Watermelon Sugar" agai…
Dear Marco Stanley Fogg #2Now I'm planning that I will write a letter to my real friend. She is older than me, and always leads and shows me how to go. I want to write thanksgiving to her. Marco, do you write letters? I can't remember that…
Dear Marco Stanley Fogg. #1From today, I will write letters to you. Let me introduce myself. I'm Tatsuro, a Japanese guy. I was born in 1975. The age of punk rock and the Vietnam war. Yes, I can remember what you had experienced at that ag…
I borrowed Tatsuro Dekune's book "The letters of the teacher Souseki" from a library. As the title says, this book introduces us to the letters which Souseki Natsume had written. Reading it, I thought that writing letters is good. Dekune s…
Once Hisao Nakai, a great Japanese psychiatrist, was asked a question "Why shouldn't we kill others?". He answered this. "It means erasing one universe". I remember it. I can't see if this answer could be the "checkmate" to stop murder. Bu…
I read Fernando Pessoa's "The Book of Disquiet" again. I feel the desire to write like him. I remember Radiohead sings "If you're frightened, you can be frightened, you can be, it's OK" by Pessoa's writing. Pessoa looks at his anxiety and …
I've read Eric Hoffer's "Working and Thinking on the Waterfront". This book is a journal so we can read this as a collection of memos which various ideas he had thought are written every day, not the book in which he tried to explain singl…
In the morning, a person asked me "How many books do you read a month?". Talking about my reading is embarrassing because I am not a serious reader who doing hard work. I won't read for studying with stoicism but read for just killing time…