
Life goes on brah!

Entries from 2022-09-01 to 1 month

2022/09/29 English

I had to do struggling against the side effect the whole day. From this morning I felt too chilly. Indeed, now is the day after autumn had come. That might be why. My left arm which I had been vaccinated on yesterday hurts. So I spent this…



2022/09/28 English

Recently I have been reading Haruki Murakami's works intensively. Today I went to Aeon as usual, as an activity in the morning, and started reading "Underground" there. This is a common thing but I thought that "Underground" tells us the r…



2022/09/27 English

I went to the library and borrowed Haruki Murakami's "Underground". I can remember that I read this book a lot when I was a college student. Learning the incidents Aum had done, I think that I could join in the cult as Aum and spread sarin…



2022/09/26 English

Today I went to the hospital to see the doctor and got some medicines. After that, I went to Aeon and read Haruki Murakami's "Underground 2". This book has various interviews with the people who had been AUM members once, and I prefer this…



2022/09/25 English

Today was a day off, and I went to Aeon to read Shigeki Noya's "Wittgenstein, Struggle as Philosophical Investigation" this morning as usual. I remember that I read Wittgenstein without academic studies because I had started attending the …


今日は休日だった。朝、いつものようにイオンに行きそこで野矢茂樹『ウィトゲンシュタイン 「哲学探究」という戦い』を読み始める。考えてみれば私が徒手空拳でウィトゲンシュタインなどを読み始めたのも、今関わっている発達障害関係のミーティングに参加す…

2022/09/24 English

When I was a high school student, I accidentally read the book which my classmate was reading. It was Haruki Murakami's "Pinball, 1973" and the first contact. Then, I have read Haruki's books until now (even if I can't say "I always read t…



2022/09/23 English

Indeed, we say that autumn is for reading. But today I couldn't read books well. I tried to read Yoshikichi Furui's "Karioujyouden Shibun" but it didn't come to my mind. So I just touched my smartphone a lot and read some books as zapping …



2022/09/22 English

I feel no good. I guess that's because just the season is changing recently... today I worked early and was tired a lot, so I fell almost asleep while attending the online meeting this evening (I'm sorry), and I couldn't read or write anym…



2022/09/21 English

It's certainly getting chilly. This morning I went to Aeon and thought of various ideas as a morning activity. I watched some conversations in the LINE group that I belong to and thought that I am precisely connected with other friends. Co…



2022/09/20 English

The typhoon went away, and it was a fine day. I worked early. This morning I did some thinking as usual. I thought about what happiness is. I won't feel that staying still and thinking only about what happiness can bring us happiness. I gu…



2022/09/19 English

The strong typhoon comes seriously. The rain and storm get so strong that I can't go to my workplace, and I even can go out of this room. So I decided to quit today's work and 'stay home' relying on some instant meals I have bought for tod…



2022/09/18 English

BGM: John Lennon "Give Peace A Chance"Today we had an online meeting about autism. I talked about the failure and told the members how I had been depressed too. The friends of Discord gave me the power to go forward... Other members showed…


BGM: John Lennon "Give Peace A Chance"今日は発達障害を考えるミーティングの日だった。私は自分自身がここ最近失敗して落ち込んでいたという話をした。そしてDiscordで友だちに支えられて元気を取り戻せたことも……他の方もこの話に興味を示して下さったの…

2022/09/17 English

BGM: Rhymester "ウィークエンド・シャッフル"This morning, before I start working I listened to Rhymester "LIFE GOES ON" again. The message "LIFE STILL GOES ON" impressed me deeply. Yes, everything goes... I can remember the hard days when I…


BGM: Rhymester "ウィークエンド・シャッフル"今朝、仕事前にライムスター「LIFE GOES ON」を聴き返す。「LIFE STILL GOES ON」というメッセージが沁みる。人生はまだまだ続く……私自身、自分の人生を振り返っていつかビッグになる、いつかプロの作家になると…

2022/09/16 English

BGM: Soul II Soul "Back To Life"Today I worked late. This morning I couldn't feel fine, but I had to go to work so decided to do my routine as usual. I had breakfast, took a shower, and wrote my diary. I could feel that my mood went a litt…


BGM: オリジナル・ラブ "朝日のあたる道"今日は遅番だった。朝、あまり調子が良くなかったのだけれど仕事を休むわけにもいかないのでいつもの日課を行う。朝食を食べてシャワーを浴び、日記を書く。そうすると少し調子が上向いてきたように思った。気持ちに…

2022/09/15 English

BGM: George Harrison "All Things Must Pass"One thing which I can't write here made me depressed, so once I only could stay still on the bed and do nothing. But blaming myself doesn't make the situation better so I have to think about how t…


BGM: George Harrison "All Things Must Pass"一件、ここに書けない事情があり鬱に陥る。一時はベッドから起き上がれないかと思うほど落ち込んだのだけれど、自分自身を責め続けても事態は好転しないのでとにかく打開策を考えないといけない。グループホーム…