Entries from 2022-07-01 to 1 month
BGM: Momus "Marquis of Sadness"I went to a library and borrowed Ian McEwan's "First Love, Last Rites". I started reading now(this is my reading style. I just read the books I want to read rapidly and freely). Coming to this age, I found th…
BGM: Momus "Marquis of Sadness"図書館に行き、イアン・マキューアン『最初の恋、最後の儀式』という短編集を借りてきた。さっそく読み始めている(私の読書とはこんな風に、ただ読みたいものを野放図に読み散らかすというものだ)。この歳になってみると不…
I worked late. This morning I read Yoshio Kataoka's "Life of the languages" again. There are many books that criticize the language Japanese. Of course, some of them are really masterpieces. But I thought that Yoshio Kataoka does a differe…
BGM: Lenny Kravitz "Stand By My Woman"Today I worked early. At lunchtime, I bought a lunchbox and ate it at a food court. I enjoyed listening to George Michael's album "Faith" again at that time. TBH I started writing about my youth time's…
BGM: Lenny Kravitz "Stand By My Woman"今日は早番だった。お昼休みに弁当を買ってフードコートで食べた。その時、何となくジョージ・マイケルの『Faith』というアルバムを聞き返した。実を言うと今、私自身の性にまつわる思い出についてカクヨムというとこ…
BGM: Tom Waits "Time"A day off. I went to a library and borrowed two books about execution. I went to Aeon and read Kazumi Mukai's "Happiness called as book clubs". Although I read books, I don't like the 'snob' mood of 'bookworms'. I'm sa…
BGM: Tom Waits "Time"休みだった。図書館に行き、死刑について考えるべく本を借りる。その後イオンに行き向井和美『読書会という幸福』を読む。私は本を読むが、実は「読書好き」「本の虫」な方のスノッブな雰囲気は好きではない。本が好きでそこそこ読んで…
BGM: Bruce Springsteen "Born In The U.S.A."I worked early today. I heard that the criminal of the Akihabara massacre Tomohiro Kato had passed away by the 'execution'. It shocked me a little. I can say that I have lived in a situation that …
BGM: Bruce Springsteen "Born In The U.S.A."早番だった。仕事中、秋葉原通り魔事件を起こした犯人の加藤智大の死刑が執行されたというニュースを聞く。このことは少なからず私にとってショックだった。私自身、彼と似たような境遇で生きてきたので彼にシン…
A day off, and the day I have to go to meet my doctor (once a month). I thought that Judith might open her room as yesterday, but she didn't. I wanted to talk to her about books, but that can happen. I talked to my doctor about my recent d…
BGM: John Scofield "A Go Go"A day off. In the morning, I went to a library and borrowed two of Yoko Tawada's books. I started reading one of them, her "Journal of walking with languages", but I found that Judith had started her room on Clu…
BGM: John Scofield "A Go Go"休みだった。朝、図書館に行き多和田葉子の本を2冊借りる。そのうちの一冊『言葉と歩く日記』を読み始めたのだけれど、ジュディスさんがclubhouseでルームを開いたというのでそちらに入らせてもらう。いつものように日記を朗読…
It was a very crisp morning today. Ah, though I always write this, such a crisp day brings me the memory of my young drunken days. I can't drive any cars, so at that time I could go nowhere even if it was a day off, and I just drank a lot …
BGM: Scritti Politti "Anomie & Bonhomie"今朝はとても爽やかな朝だった。ああ、いつも書いていることだけど、こんな爽やかな日を迎えると私は酒に溺れていた自分自身の若き日のことを振り返ってしまう。車を運転できないので休みの日はどこにも行くことが…
Today I worked late. In the morning, I read Yoko Tawada's "America" with Pat Metheny's "Day Trip". Quite interesting. I even thought that I could write my novel like her. I guess that one of this book's themes is nationality. What country …
今日は遅番だった。朝、パット・メセニー『Day Trip』を聴きながら多和田葉子『アメリカ 非道の大陸』を読む。とても面白く読めた。こんな風に書いてみたい、とさえ思った。この本のテーマのひとつはナショナリティではないかと思う。どの国に属し、どの国の…
Today I worked early. At lunchtime, a friend shared with me a collection of Nightingale's quotes on Facebook. That collection embraced me exactly. I felt that her will said she would owe the responsibility to her life, and I thought I also…
I talked with a friend in the Kyusyu area on WhatsApp. I asked him about the heavy rain there. He said it was not serious so I felt relieved. I shared the news from a site that Johnny Marr and Bobby Gillespie had played together at Primal …
A day off. In the morning, I had a strong obsession with a dirty desire for women as usual. "I want women"... So I talked about this at a server on Discord. Of course, the desire hasn't been solved (If I want to do so, I have to face my pr…
BGM: The Jesus and Mary Chain "Darklands"休みだった。昨日書いたセクシャルな欲望のことについて、今朝も強迫観念に苛まれる。「女性が欲しい」という……それでDiscordのとあるサーバで話す。もちろん欲望が解決したわけではないのだけれど(根源的な淋し…
Today I worked late. In the morning I kept on reading Takashi Akutsu's book "The Journal of Reading, making a book, soup, and bread, Gravity's Rainbow". Akutsu's journal is interesting. But it's different from the thrill of the experiences…
今日は遅番だった。朝、Chari Chariというグループの音楽を聴きながら阿久津隆『読書の日記 本づくり スープとパン 重力の虹』を読み続ける。阿久津隆の日記は面白い。とはいえ、日々次々とスリリングなことが起きるという意味での面白さではない。退屈と言…
BGM: PRISM "metronome melody"Today I attended the online meeting about autism, but we had to end in this morning because members are just three (besides me). I talked about my past. Once, when the time I hadn't learned that I was an autist…
BGM : PRISM "metronome melody"今日は発達障害を考えるミーティングに参加した。といっても参加したメンバーは私を入れて3人だけだったので、午前中だけで終わってしまった。私は自分の過去のことを話した。かつて自分がまだ発達障害者だとわかっていなかっ…
I've read Takashi Akutsu's "The Journal of Reading" completely. This book has about 1000 pages and I thought that it has an "everlasting' interesting essence, not any 'thrill' which attracts me. I have read this three times but I even thou…