Entries from 2022-06-01 to 1 month
Today I worked late. In the morning I listened to Little Tempo's music and read Takuo Aoyama's "What is the time for our mind". And I thought about the time I spend reading books at Aeon as usual. I feel happy with books and good music. Pe…
Today I watched the world inside me once again. Once I thought that I had many dirty or strange essences in me. A desire for women or material success. But now I can see that it was made by others as a certain bully. They made me think of …
Today I went to the English conversation class again. I have written my diary in English and Japanese for over a year, even if I have never decided to do something great. I just wanted to do the action like this. So the people who like me …
メッセージ [DVD]エイミー・アダムスAmazon某月某日今日は英会話教室に行った。特にこれといって何かの決意を固めたわけもなく、ただやってみたかったからという理由で英語と日本語で日記を書き続けて1年が経とうとしている。そんななので、私のことを知る人…
Today, reading Yoshimichi Nakajima's "Nietzsche", I thought about this. "Why do I want to do philosophy?". Why do I ask various philosophical questions to me? To live 'a better life'? Then, what is the meaning of live 'a better life'? Once…
今日、中島義道『ニーチェ』を読みながらふと「どうして自分は哲学をしたいと思うのだろうか」と考えた。なぜ自分自身に問いかけるのか。「よく生きる」ため? ならば「よく生きる」とはどういうことだろうか、と。かつては私も「偉くなる」や「金持ちになる…
I'm reading Yoshimichi Nakajima's "Nietzsche: Living in nihilism". Yoshimichi Nakajima blames the Japanese atmosphere that people read Nietzsche's philosophy as a clean or poisonless one. People try to read him as something safe and easy..…
ニーチェ ---ニヒリズムを生きる (河出ブックス)作者:中島 義道河出書房新社Amazon某月某日中島義道『ニーチェ ニヒリズムを生きる』を読んでいる。中島義道はこの本で、ニーチェの哲学が解毒あるいは消毒され、危険性を抜かれて解釈する日本の風土を口を極…
A native speaker pointed out my mistakes in writing in English. Frankly, it's difficult to accept the fact that I made mistakes. But I don't want to say that it would be OK if I could be understood. It's a so-called 'so-what attitude'. A J…
There are some interesting opinions in Tetsuya Furuta's book "The First Wittgenstein". "Once Wittgenstein answered the question by his friend that how to make this world better. 'Change yourself better'. That is only one thing you can do t…
I went to a library and borrowed Hitoshi Nagai's "The philosophy for children" and Nietzsche's "On Genealogy of Morals". Hitoshi Nagai's this book was the one I had read again and again when I was a student at Waseda. And it still brings m…
Recently I've been listening to Kenji Ozawa's albums again. Especially I've been into the albums "The Dogs Bark, But The Caravan Moves On" and "LIFE". I guess these two albums are asking me a question. It's that "Can you praise an ordinary…
ここ最近、小沢健二のアルバムを聴き返している。『犬は吠えるがキャラバンは進む』と『LIFE』の2枚を特によく聴いている。これらのアルバムは、私にとある課題を投げかけているように思う。「普通の暮らし」を祝福できるかどうか? というものだ。何てこと…
LIFEアーティスト:小沢健二ユニバーサル ミュージック (e)Amazonここ最近ぼくは、小沢健二のアルバムを聴き返している。とはいうもののぼくもすでに今年で47になるので、感受性が硬直したせいか若い頃に聴いた『犬は吠えるがキャラバンは進む』や『LIFE』が…
This morning I joined the room that a friend Cindy had opened on Clubhouse. I learned "how to speak English with confidence" with other members. We learned how to manage our voices' tone and volume, and after that, we talked about how to m…
I started having an interest in Haruki Murakami again. I want to read his debut novel "Hear The Wind Sings". It's just a novel about ordinary life. The characters spend their time listening to The Beach Boys with minor activities such as g…
This afternoon I had a chance to see a woman who had met once at an English conversation class. She praised my English and told me about another English meeting in this city. Of course, I felt very thankful for her kindness. I heard that o…
Today we had an online meeting about autism. Caring corona, we had it on ZOOM. This time I talked about how I have done my activity on Clubhouse. I had started using it with the recommendation of a person who is from the Shiso Internationa…
Truman Capote declared that “I'm an alcoholic. I'm a drug addict. I'm homosexual. I'm a genius”. TBH once I had thought that I might be a genius so I had to live this difficult life and become an alcoholic. The ecstasy and anxiety of being…
I started reading Yoshikichi Furui's "The Passage of Chimes". I remember that I will be 47 this year. But even at this age, I have never dated anyone so marriage is a dream. My life has been separated from any beautiful youth. In "The Pass…