Entries from 2022-02-01 to 1 month
I've got a habit of writing my journals every day without any notice. But basically, I should ask why I write. The life which the person does express or leave nothing. In other words, the life the person doesn't try to build themselves on …
Today I worked late. In the afternoon I read "Collected words of Shunsuke Tsurumi 2" a little. I thought about the power of being ordinary. Ordinary or orthodox... once I wanted to be a special, or 'chosen' one like Osamu Dazai said. Someo…
I've read Takashi Sakai's "The secret of bullshit jobs". This book is about David Graeber's "Bullshit Jobs" which I had read once. Companies usually have various jobs which might have no meaning as 'tea servers' and they are called 'bullsh…
I've read Brady Mikako's "Put yourself in someone's shoes" completely. This might sound as dumb but I have got an interest in conservatism from the reading of Takeshi Nakajima's "Liberal conservatism declaration". Brady Mikako's this book …
Reading Hitoshi Nagai's "The problem of burning posthumous manuscripts", I found that Nagai says he breeds madness in himself. It is a cool expression. I also breed some madness in myself. It should be described as a monster with nasty des…
I'm recording my reading on the site 'bookmeter'. Recently I tried to record the reading of Koutaro Sawaki's "Bourbon Street" and found the fact that I had already read this book. It seems that I had read this four years ago. I had complet…
どうせ俺らは早く死ぬ - phaの日記 生きに生きて40歳、俺らは結構長く生きた - シロクマの屑籠 『自由』が『虚無』と化した先の人生の生きがいについて(あるいは個人主義と共同体主義の狭間で) - 自意識高い系男子 自分の人生に飽きたくない - インターネ…
A day off. In the morning I went to AEON. As I said, I go to AEON though I have nothing to buy. I had finished reading Susumu Sogo's "Can't live without movies 2007-2009" completely and had a break with Flipper's Guitar's album "Camera Tal…
今日は休みだった。朝、イオンに行く。特になにかを買いに行くつもりはなかった、というのは前に書いたとおり。イオンで十河進『映画がなければ生きていけない 2007-2009』を読み、そしてフリッパーズ・ギター『カメラ・トーク』を聴きながらひと休みする。…
A fine day. But I had to work... at the cafeteria of my workplace in the afternoon, I wanted to listen to some music and tried to the Beatles on Spotify without seeing Beijing Olympics. I remember that I couldn't listen to them fairly beca…
Today I worked late. In the afternoon I read the dialogue by Shunsuke Tsurumi and Natsuo Sekikawa "What has the Japanese threw away". I can't see why I read the books like this. I had a certain concern about Shunsuke Tsurumi's thoughts or …
Today was a day off and I went to AEON in the morning. I had nothing to buy especially but I couldn't stay at my group home quietly. There, I read Natsuo Sekikawa's "Explaining' literature". I thought that this was quite a cool job again. …
Now I'm reading Natsuo Sekikawa's book "The encyclopedia of late stages of human life 2008-2011/3/11", which introduces us to various famous people's 'late stages' and their whole life. Maybe because of that, I was shocked by the news Kent…
数多くの有名人の「晩年」を扱い、その生涯を紹介した書物である関川夏央『人間晩年図巻 2008-11年3月11日』を読んでいる。だからなのか、このタイミングで出くわした西村賢太の死に衝撃を受けた。とはいえ、私は彼の露悪的なところが苦手だったので随筆と日…
Today I worked late. In the morning I read Natsuo Sekikawa's "The encyclopedia of late stages of the human life 2004-07". This book made me think about how I should get older or mature. I will be 47 this year but can't feel that I've got m…
今日は遅番だった。朝、関川夏央『人間晩年図巻 2004-07年』を読む。上手く歳を取るとはどういうことなのだろう、と考えさせられる本だった。私は今年47になるのだけれど、情けない話だけれど未だに大人になったという気がしない。独身で気ままに生きている…
Having a break time in the afternoon, I read an interview of Miwa Seki who translated a bestseller by Jeff Bezos into Japanese by a chance. She told us a severe answer to our eternal mission, "How can we get fluent in English?". "It needs …
Today was a day off. I went to a library and borrow the book I had reserved. It's Nobuhiko Kobayashi's "Born In Nihonbashi". I have not read his books often. When I had become a teenager, he was already a great writer. I might not be able …
今日は休みだった。図書館に行き、予約していた小林信彦『日本橋に生まれて 本音を申せば』を借りる。小林信彦の本は今までなぜか読まず嫌いで通ってしまっていた。私が物心ついた時はすでに重鎮の域に達していたから、心理的にやすやすと近寄れなかったのか…
Reading Susumu Sogo's "Can't Live Without Movies 2003-2006", I found the topic about his all-time best movies. All-time best... I thought how will it become if I try to make my all-time best about literature, music, and movies. I judge the…