
Life goes on brah!

Entries from 2023-11-01 to 1 month

2023/11/12 BGM: Steely Dan: Deacon Blues


2023/11/12 English

BGM: Steely Dan: Deacon BluesThis morning, I enjoyed the morning ZOOM meeting with other three members as usual. We talked about how we spend this autumnal season. For example, we talked about where we go to enjoy the red leaves (I sometim…

2023/11/11 BGM: The Police - King Of Pain

(今日もグーグル翻訳に頼りました)この日記にも書きましたが、私は Discord 上に自分のサーバー「World's End Pharmacy」を持っています。 今朝、私たちは素晴らしい、真剣な政治的な議論をしました(とはいえ、朝の雰囲気のせいで頭を眠らさないように努…

2023/11/11 English

BGM: The Police - King Of PainAs I have written in this journal, I have MY own server "World's End Pharmacy" on Discord. This morning we had a great, serious political discussion (although I had to try to keep my head awake because of the …

2023/11/10 BGM: Prince - Emancipation

[すみません、またグーグル翻訳を使いました]今日はZOOMでの朝礼で、実際に本を読んで英語を学ぶ方法について話し合った。 ある人(彼のスキルは本当にすばらしいものだった)は、私たちに本を多読するよう勧めた。 彼は私たちに、英語の本を一冊完全に読…

2023/11/10 English

BGM: Prince - EmancipationToday, at the morning meeting on ZOOM, we talked about how to learn English by reading books actually. A person (it seemed his skill must be really improved) suggested us to read the books extensively. He said to …

2023/11/09 BGM: The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be

(すみません、またグーグル翻訳使いました)発達障害ということもあってなおさら自分が抱えている課題を明確にする必要がある。 単純に、心に留めておかなければならないことが抜け落ちてしまうのだった。 たとえば、WhatsApp で友人から受け取ったメッセー…

2023/11/09 English

BGM: The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever BeTBH... I need to clarify the tasks I am having because of my autistic mind. Simply, it often drops the things I have to keep in my mind. For example, I need to answer to the message I have got fro…

2023/11/08 BGM: John Lennon - Woman

今週のお題「最近読んでるもの」(すみません、今日もグーグル翻訳を使いました)今日は遅くまで働いた。 いつものように、FacebookグループのZOOMでの英語会議に参加する。 ぼくたちはタバコの喫煙について話した。 特に、税金のせいでこれほどの費用がかか…

2023/11/08 English

BGM: John Lennon - WomanToday I worked late. As always, I attended to the English meeting on ZOOM of a Facebook group. We talked about smoking tobacco. Especially, how it can cost so much because of tax. I have never smoked in this life be…

2023/11/07 BGM: Prince - Sexy M.F.

(ごめんなさい! きょうはグーグル翻訳の力を頼りました。日本語に訳し直す時間が取れなかったのです)今日は志賀直哉の短編小説集を借りに行った。 志賀の繊細な目が、ぼくたちのさまざまな小さな感情の動きを捉えていたことに気づく。 たとえば、登場人物…

2023/11/07 English

BGM: Prince - Sexy M.F.Today I went to borrow a collection of short novels by Naoya Shiga. I found that Shiga's sensitive eyes had gripped various small movements of our emotions. For example, he writes that a character's uncomfortable fee…

2023/11/06 English

BGM: The Orb - Earth (Gaia)On Facebook, I attended an online meeting in English. Today we talked about "accidentally manager", which means that the managers who don't have any significant experiences. It was a fun time.Today I worked late.…

2023/11/05 BGM: Pet Shop Boys - Go West


2023/11/05 English

BGM: Pet Shop Boys - Go WestRecently I started enjoying the daily English meeting on Facebook. At there, various English learners (mostly they are Japanese) and I enjoy chatting with using English. Today, we talked about why and how we do …

2023/11/04 BGM: Blur - Crazy Beat

これがほんとうにぼくの言いたかったことだろうか? いつもこんなことを考え、問い続けている。でももし/いざ書き始めると、ぼくはまったく違うことを書く。今日、ぼくは小説の最初のかけらを書き始めた。少なくとも、辛抱強くならなければならない。登場人…

2023/11/04 English

BGM: Blur - Crazy BeatIs this really what I have wanted to say? Maybe I am always thinking, questioning this... but I write something completely different when/if I start writing. Today, I started writing my first piece of novel. At least,…

2023/11/03 BGM: Pizzicato Five - 誘惑について


2023/11/03 English

BGM: Pizzicato Five - 誘惑についてToday I worked late, and this morning I finished reading the rest of Ryu Murakami's "MISSING". I felt that Ryu has been trying to "crush" himself completely. I won't say this novel is a great entertainment…

2023/11/02 BGM: Senri Oe - POWER


2023/11/02 English

BGM: Senri Oe - POWEROnce, I had completely misunderstood how the life (or at least MY life) should be. I dreamed/adored the "ideal" life too much. It was for me like the celebrities' lives with instagrammable items. Maybe once, at that pe…

2023/11/01 English

BGM: Tricky - AftermathAs I had written yesterday, this morning I enjoyed chatting with a friend from England. She listened to my story carefully, and started breaking her voice. I felt that it must be a really miracle to me. I remember my…

2023/11/01 BGM: Tricky - Aftermath



BGM: Massive Attack - Teardropこの出来事は今日、つまり11月1日に起こったのだけれど記録しておきたい……今朝。ぼくはDiscordでイギリスの女友だちとチャットしていた。ぼくたちはいろんなことを真摯に話し合った。そしてその友だちがぼくの話のせいで少し…

2023/10/31 English

BGM: Massive Attack - TeardropThis event has happened in the morning time of the 1st November, but I want to record this... The morning time, I enjoyed chatting on Discord with a female friend from England. We talked various things sincere…