
Life goes on brah!

Entries from 2024-02-01 to 1 month

2024/02/13 BGM: U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

英語教育論争史 (講談社選書メチエ)作者:江利川春雄講談社Amazon今日・明日と2日間休みをもらったので、両親が住む家に戻ることに決めた。いわゆる帰省だ。今朝、図書館に行き江利川春雄『英語教育論争史』を借りる。その後イオンで、こんなことを考え始めた…

2024/02/13 English

BGM: U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking ForI've got two days off today and tomorrow, so decided to go back to my parents' house to stay (Yes, a late homecoming.) This morning, I went to the library to borrow a book as usual. After…

2024/02/12 BGM: Prefab Sprout - We Let The Stars Go

日本語と英語 その違いを楽しむ (NHK出版新書)作者:片岡 義男NHK出版Amazon今日は遅番だった。昨日のオフラインミーティング(英語研究会)の席で、他の参加者の方々からいろんな紙をいただいた(新聞のスクラップ記事や宿題のための用紙など)。なので、そ…

2024/02/12 English

BGM: Prefab Sprout - We Let The Stars GoI worked late today. At the offline meeting I had yesterday, the other members gave me some papers (an article from newspaper, a paper of the homework, etc.) so I decided to put them together as one …

2024/02/11 BGM: ZABADAK - 遠い音楽

バーボン・ストリート (新潮文庫)作者:耕太郎, 沢木新潮社Amazon今日は休日だった。今朝、ぼくはこの町にある英語研究会というグループのオフラインミーティングに参加した。そこにおいて、ぼくたちはいろんなことを話し合った。グループそのものをどうやっ…

2024/02/11 English

BGM: ZABADAK - 遠い音楽It was a day off today, and this morning I went to enjoy an offline meeting for the English learners in my town. At where, we talked about various things as how to manage/maintenance this group, and also how we shoul…

2024/02/10 BGM: Boards Of Canada - Happy Cycling


2024/02/10 English

Two days have passed away since the news about the friend - but I can't see if my mind has been actually getting recovered from the depressed state. It seems that it can't accept any books as any enjoyment yet, so I just have to face to my…

2024/02/09 BGM: Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go


2024/02/09 English

BGM: Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must GoWhen I was a high school student, although now I have forgotten how this word had been mentioned within its context, I had certainly read the word "grief work" from Ryuichi Sakamoto's essay. …

2024/02/08 BGM: Fishmans - Long Season


2024/02/08 English

BGM: Fishmans - Long SeasonI worked early today. This morning, I heard that an Indonesian friend of mine had passed away. Indeed, I had learned that she was in a struggle with an illness, but I had never expected this - so I felt really up…

2024/02/07 BGM: Pavement - Range Life

潮騒 (新潮文庫)作者:三島 由紀夫新潮社Amazonいま、ぼくは今月15日のプレゼンテーションのための草稿を書いている。あらためて思うのは実にぼくの毎日ときたら平板で退屈なシロモノだということだ。起きる。朝のタスクをこなす(シャワーを浴びて朝食を摂り…

2024/02/07 English

BGM: Pavement - Range LifeNow I am writing a draft for the coming presentation of mine at the 15th of this month, and finding that my days are really plain and boring. I wake up, do some morning tasks (taking a bath, having breakfast, wash…

2024/02/06 BGM: 井上陽水 - 夢寝見


2024/02/05 BGM: HiGE - ロックンロールと五人の囚人


2024/02/06 English

BGM: 井上陽水 - 夢寝見As I have written in this journal, TBH I am an employee of a department store. I always walk from here to anywhere in the store (so it often reaches about 8,000 steps per a day,) and also carry various boxes of items.…

2024/02/05 English

BGM: HiGE - ロックンロールと五人の囚人I have been writing/making a rough draft for the presentation eventually. I need to write the facts around/about me. I have decided to use some of The Beatles' songs' titles to decorate mine. For examp…

2024/02/04 BGM: Susumu Hirasawa - Mermaid Song


2024/02/04 English

BGM: Susumu Hirasawa - Mermaid SongAs I have already written in this journal, eventually I have been writing my English memo for the next presentation I will do at the 15th of this month. It seems that I just need to write various facts fo…

2024/02/03 BGM: 小沢健二 - 天気読み


2024/02/03 English

BGM: 小沢健二 - 天気読みAs I have written in this journal, I usually enjoy reading books and also listening to some music at my free time. But, it was recent when I have started enjoying various classical achievements. For example, I have …

2024/02/02 BGM: The Beatles - A Day In The Life

実を言うと今月15日、あるミーティングでプレゼンテーションをすることになった。なのでその席で何を話すべきか考えなければならない。ぼくの日々の生活についてシンプルに・素朴に話すのはどうだろうと考えた。発表のタイトルは「Eight Days A Week」。あの…

2024/02/02 English

BGM: The Beatles - A Day In The LifeTBH, on 15th of this month I will have a presentation of a meeting so I have thought what I should do at that turn, and decided to tell the other members about my days simply. The title of the presentati…

2024/02/01 BGM: Rod Stewart feat. Stevie Wonder - What A Wonderful World


2024/02/01 English

BGM: Rod Stewart feat. Stevie Wonder - What A Wonderful WorldWhat is my lifework? Today, suddenly I have thought about this. TBH, although I have worked at the current workplace/company for over 20 years, I can't think it suits for me. I h…

2024/01/31 BGM: Sting - Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot


2024/01/31 English

BGM: Sting - Let Your Soul Be Your PilotToday, a friend of mine asked me this. "Why/how can you find such interesting books?" It has been an interesting question, and also a difficult one to answer. She asked this after reading my short re…