
Life goes on brah!

2024/02/06 English

BGM: 井上陽水 - 夢寝見

As I have written in this journal, TBH I am an employee of a department store. I always walk from here to anywhere in the store (so it often reaches about 8,000 steps per a day,) and also carry various boxes of items. During my work time, I use my head fully to think a lot of things. Of course, these are usually related to my work, but also I think of various daydreams, delusions and silly pieces of other ideas.

Today I worked early (from 10am to 5pm.) At lunchtime, I tried to remember what things I had certainly thought during my morning working time, but I couldn't recall them. Everything I had thought during the time seemed like a phantom or a great dream. But one thing I could recall now is this - today I remembered a brilliantly smart classmate at an elementary school of mine. I had done a tiny mistake, and a smart co-worker taught me about that mistake, and it reminded me of his smartness. Even though it was about 40 years ago, I can recall his name exactly. Yes, he must be a kind of genius, or a monster.

Yes, he was a really, amazingly smart man - even though I had worked/studied hard to get better/greater than him, I finally couldn't do so. By being beaten by him (although he might have not thought of this emotion of mine,) I had learned how the taste of becoming a loser could be at the first time in my life. Besides him, I have been beaten/defeated by various really cool, sophisticated classmates with their smartness (the one who taught me Haruki Murakami, the one who had been really charming in my class, etc.) SORRY! this story has no great things to you as any interesting lesson... Life goes on.

After today's work, I went to the library to borrow some books (Yukio Mishima, Truman Capote, etc.) After that, I attended to the English conversation class. Today's topic was how the food culture in America has been, and also how to order foods in fast food shop in English. At the song break, I enjoyed with one of the teachers about the Capote's book. Yes, now I have escaped from any narrow, closed classroom - to this wide, wonderful world. I enjoyed the class well.