
Life goes on brah!

Entries from 2024-06-01 to 1 month

2024/06/12 BGM: Ryuichi Sakamoto & Roddy Frame - Same Dream, Same Destination


2024/06/12 English

BGM: Ryuichi Sakamoto & Roddy Frame - Same Dream, Same DestinationThis morning I read a Japanese culture critic, Atsushi Sasaki's book "A Man Called As A Professor [佐々木敦『「教授」と呼ばれた男』]", about Ryuichi Sakamoto a little. Altho…

2024/06/11 BGM: Fishmans - ゆらめき IN THE AIR


2024/06/11 English

BGM: Fishmans - ゆらめき IN THE AIRI worked early today. At lunchtime, I remembered when I had been diagnosed as an autistic person. And after that, I tried to imagine this - what if I weren't autistic? What could this life be? Of course, …

2024/06/10 BGM: G. Love & Special Sauce - Blues Music


2024/06/10 English

BGM: G. Love & Special Sauce - Blues MusicIt was a wonderful, brilliant day. Before late time work, I had a certain time so I started reading Kumiko Kanno's book "Lonely Death Country [菅野久美子『孤独死大国』]", which reminded me of my te…

2024/06/09 BGM: Happy End - 風をあつめて


2024/06/09 English

BGM: Happy End - 風をあつめてI had a day off today. TBH I have to update my driver's license, so I need to make new glasses. This morning I went to a shop called "Paris Miki" to make the ones (As I have written in these journals, I have be…

2024/06/08 BGM: yeule - Eva (George Clanton Remix)


2024/06/08 English

BGM: yeule - Eva (George Clanton Remix) Since the 1990s when I was a college student, my life has been always literally "connected" to the internet. Oh, through this connection, I have learned numerous things... Thinking about this, I have…

2024/06/07 BGM: Dimitri From Paris - Neko Mimi Mode


2024/06/07 English

BGM: Dimitri From Paris - Neko Mimi ModeWith Dimitri From Paris's elegant and marvelous songs, this morning I spent time at AEON (and also, tried to enjoy Le Clézio's collection of his lectures at a university in China.) TBH I had been hau…

2024/06/06 BGM: Paul Weller - Has My Fire Really Gone Out?


2024/06/06 English

BGM: Paul Weller - Has My Fire Really Gone Out? I worked early today. This morning I had been haunted by a very serious depression/confusion, therefore couldn't find any motivation to keep on working. TBH... this can be a kind of "trigger"…

2024/06/05 BGM: Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights


2024/06/05 English

BGM: Paul McCartney - No More Lonely NightsReading Paul Valéry's "Monsieur Teste", this morning I thought about the concept of "intelligence". As I have written in these journals, TBH I could have never thought I could be smart. Even now I…

2024/06/04 BGM: Aitch - 1989


2024/06/04 English

BGM: Aitch - 1989TBH a junior high school student helped with our work today as a school activity, therefore I did some orders for him this morning. Usually, I do my work mainly alone, so it was difficult for me to think about him properly…

2024/06/03 BGM: Chapterhouse - Alpha Phase (Retranslated by Global Communication)


2024/06/03 English

BGM: Chapterhouse - Alpha Phase (Retranslated by Global Communication)When I was a college student (about 19 or 20 years old,) I read an impressive book. It was Gustav Janouch's "Conversations With Kafka [グスタフ・ヤノーホ『カフカとの対話…

2024/06/02 BGM: Massive Attack - What Your Soul Sings


2024/06/02 English

Looking into myself, I find there must be various identities/personalities that are always speaking something. "I", this one who is writing this, am only picking up one of them. In a way, "I" don't have anything to write as any important t…

2024/06/01 BGM: Original Love - 朝日の当たる道


2024/06/01 English

BGM: Original Love - 朝日の当たる道I went to a mountain in this city to enjoy "feeling" nature this morning. There, with Steve Reich's music, I started thinking about various things. I could see that great, splendid forests surrounded me l…

2024/05/31 BGM: Steve Reich - Music For 18 Musicians (Coldcut Remix)


2024/05/31 English

BGM: Steve Reich - Music For 18 Musicians (Coldcut Remix)This morning, I couldn't find any motivation to do anything actively (so I quit taking a bath.) After breakfast, I started reading a book at AEON even though a certain apathy had hau…