
Life goes on brah!

2024/05/14 English

BGM: Spiral Life - Dance To God

Why do I read philosophers such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein? Once in the 90s, many "cool" philosophers' masterpieces such as Deleuze's and Dellida's were there. But I had never read them because I thought their works must have been too difficult or abstract for me to learn something useful for my life (however, although it can be completely strange for you, I was attracted by Slavoj Jijek's books about Jacques Lacan and pop culture, therefore, I read some of them). In other words, I had been still influenced by the inner voice that whispered to me that I must have been an idiot, so it prevented me from reading them.

After that period, at the beginning of my 40s, I met some friends at an antique-style cafe in my town. Having conversations with them, they said my comments have had philosophical essences. Also at the almost same time on Discord, I met a person who recommended me read Nietzsche and Sartre. Indeed, I had already read some "easy" philosophical essays for beginners like me by various Japanese writers, I started enjoying "Thus Spake Zarathustra", "Neusea" and Heidegger's "Nietzsche".

Maybe besides these books (of course, I never say I could have understood what they were saying completely), the books I have "revisited" such as Haruki Murakami's also taught me to think about my issues, not about any "trendy" topics. Their books have suggested me think about communications (especially "verbal" ones) and the relationships between this society and the outside world. Why do these words I am writing deliver the truths I am having in my black box? What is the word's role?

So, in a way, I have been always thinking about MY issues, not about any social/common issues (such as catchy "post-truth" or "political correctness", even though they must be important for us to think about). Now, I think that Wittgenstein has still been one of my teachers actually to made me think about those issues to live my own life (he has taught me the attitude or the method that let me think about the issues in my way. Therefore, he has not made me adapt his selfish answers or manuals to my life in my opinion).