
Life goes on brah!

2023/02/22 English

BGM: The Eagles - Take It Easy

At last, the equipment of Wi-Fi I have used for a long time got broken, so I can't use the internet from my personal computer. I asked this for the staff of my group home, and I went to Aeon as usual because it was a day off. I bought a cheap keyboard at there. I want to use it with my smartphone to input long sentences by synchronizing them. After that, at the food coat, I read Yoshio Kataoka's "Afterwords" with Silent Poets and Ry Cooder's music, as I always do. Reading this, I was really impressed because Kataoka declares with his very clear and strong voice to express his opinions. When he wants to tell something, he doesn't hesitate to say that. He shows his ones with his responsibility clearly. Therefore, his writings are crisp and clear. But, how Japanese readers accept such clear writings of him?

I am just an amateur, but I guess the reason why Kataoka can build his opinions logically is that his thoughts are based on the English language. Indeed, I explain this idea based on my feelings, which is a really fuzzy one to reference as a source, but I can feel that, in English conversations as writing and thinking, the "individual" which confesses their opinions starts showing its existence. That "individual" can say their opinions to the "collective" (I remember that Kataoka also said this in his books). In contrast, when I speak my opinions in Japanese, it's difficult for me to show the "individual" and I have to say them with an ambiguous attitude trying to synchronize myself to the public. That might be the difference. Then, Japanese and English need us to have a completely different attitudes to us.

Of course, we can't judge this as "this is better than that". It would be too simple. I say that I like Japanese attitude which treats the "harmony" as important. But I also say that I feel comfotrable to use the English language which allows clear declarations and enables the "individual" to face the "collective". This topic would allow me to write even one or two book so it is out of my capacity. But I have been suffered from the unclear aspects of other people's words which have the difference of truth and false, private and public. Probably therefore, I think that English conversations are good or better to me. When I was a kid, I couldn't understand others' words, and they treated my words as completely strange things. That might make me think about communication like I wrote above.

The Wi-Fi equipment didn't get normal again, so I read Yoshio Kataoka's "I am coffee" with The Eagles' greatest hits and Eric Crapton and B.B.King's duet which i had recorded in the personal computer once. This book also tells me how Kataoka can write his essays in varius ways. The essay about coffee and Kataoka himself in an orthodox way, and Kataoka's criticizing about Japanese and English, and his rich knowledge of literature, movies, and music. I want to enjoy coffee too because of his great essays which come from the simple topic "coffee", and I exactly can feel very comfortable with reading his writings. With listening to Ry Cooder, I thought that I am glad to meet his writings. But I might have to read English books to follow him, and learn from him. I want to try like him from Paul Auster and Teju Cole's books  I bought on Amazon.