
Life goes on brah!

2023/01/04 English

BGM: Original Love - 月の裏で会いましょう

Today I worked late. The library will open tomorrow so I thought about what books I want to borrow. I once wrote about a new Japanese word "Taipa", which means "time performance". That word reminded me of Michael Ende's "Momo", so I want to read it carefully again. I also want to read Daniel Dennett's book and learn how the mind works. But I can't make any plans to read books. I can't see what book I want to read next. I couldn't read Souseki Natsume's books which I had decided to read...

Today I read Ryuichi Sakamoto and Shigeo Goto's "skmt Who is Ryuichi Sakamoto". Although this is the second time to read it, I still find many things to learn. In this book, he doubts the sameness of our identity. He says that today's myself and the future might be completely different because we can't predict what we will think in the future. And we might not have to see it. We might be able to live radically without caring or trying to keep this self the same always... this stance is a kind of "schizo"? Me, I shouldn't be afraid to change this identity drastically.

After that, I read Masaya Chiba's "Guidebook of modern philosophy". I accepted that Masaya Chiba says to us that we don't need to face only one big problem too seriously. We have to face every tiny problem every time happens. We should solve those tiny problems next by next, and that's important... This might sound like a kind of "readymade" or "instant". But I accept that this is really practical. Chiba explains smartly by using various computer words, and his base is this tenderness that enables us to face and solve our real problems. I am interested in Michael Foucault in this book.

I reflect on my life, my this life. Masaya Chiba says that we need to get the otherness in our lives. For example, feeding a pet. I don't have a pet, but I always face the troubles which come from autism. I might be able to say that I am always with "my" vivid otherness. But I can't throw that otherness away. I just have to try to test various life hacks in my life. But I shouldn't think of autism too strictly... what is the real "easy" life? I might have to set myself free from the anchor of my identity.