I worked late today. This morning, at AEON I read a collection of dialogue between Shunsuke Tsurumi and Natsuo Sekikawa, "What the Japanese people have thrown away [鶴見俊輔・関川夏央『日本人は何を捨ててきたのか』]". Although I've already read these authors' books many times (and I believe that certainly, I could have "learned" a lot, too), this reading afforded me some precious things. I respect their "steady", and "stoic" attitudes.
I'm attracted to Tsurumi's basic opinion/declaration which reveals how he could have been "evil". Probably because, in a way, I have never thought that I am a natural-born "good" person. I can't tell how you see me, however, from this viewpoint, the person typing this must be an "absolutely", even "ultra" evil man still attracted to the material, snob desires. Yes, I am just a "hentai" (as I always write in these journals) who is attracted to every woman's plump figure.
However, can the sort of ultra-evil people such as Tsurumi declare "honestly", or "openly" as they are evil? In other words, am I learning/reading Tsurumi's opinions too straightly/directly? I have to return to the principle which tells me that everyone can make lies, like me. Therefore, I must doubt if Tsurumi has been making truths or lies. Oh, what a profound book!
Then, at least for me, Tsurumi is a reliable senior person who walks in front of me as a pioneer because he started his philosophy from his dark, wicked instinct/nature. As you have read my writing above, I can't start my opinions by quoting any great people such as Jacques Derrida or Gilles Deleuze. I start my philosophy from my tragic memories.
This afternoon, I posted a question to a group on Discord. How should I treat the concept of this sensitive concept, "diversity"? How should I accept other people's character which might disturb my rights, based on that concept of "diversity"? Yes, it must sound paradoxical because I have to treat other people so preciously enough not to invade them, and also I have to declare/show the rights I own. Yes, how can I keep a so-called "tolerant", or "diverse" attitude enough to other people? Other members answered me straightly with their honesty, therefore it could become a productive/creative discussion.