Entries from 2022-06-01 to 1 month
I thought if we could have the meeting we once had once a month in a temple again. If we could, I would talk about the room "Let Our Souls Talk" on Clubhouse, in which I have spoken of autism, my life itself, and the love I had experienced…
町内にあるお寺で毎月やっていたミーティングを再開できないかどうかと考えた。もし再開できるなら、私はclubhouseでやっている「Let Our Souls Talk」というルームで話してきた自閉症のこと、私の半生について及び私が経験した恋について話せないかと思った…
I always think about how I can go into 'working mode' before I start working. I try to think about 'working mode' in my head but can find nothing. But when I go to the workplace, wear the uniform, climb up the stairway, scan the timecard, …
I thought about what should be the next topic to talk about on Clubhouse. I thought that I had let everything out completely, but I wanted to talk about the meetings about autism and also the 'danshu' meetings if I start another topic. How…
I'm bad at doing any communication. I can't manage to talk as everyone does therefore I can't lead anyone to bring to the proper place. So I can never be any leader. But when I made groups on MeWe and Discord, people joined them. I'm glad …