
Life goes on brah!


BGM: Bonnie Pink "犬と月"

昼頃に実家からグループホームに帰ってきた。昼寝をして、そのまま今日は完全休養に徹することにして十河進『映画がなければ生きていけない 1999-2002』を読む。その後図書館に行きアニエス・ポワリエ『パリ左岸』と『サミュエル・ベケット証言録』を借りる。どちらもサミュエル・ベケットが重要人物として登場するが、私は演劇に詳しくないのでベケットは「ゴドーを待ちながら」すら知らないのだった。YouTubeを探れば「ゴドーを待ちながら」を観られるかもしれない……と思って調べてみたらいくつかアップロードされているようだ(むろん、観られるならオフィシャルな映像を観たい)。






Dear Marco Stanley Fogg

Today I went to a library and borrowed two books. The one is Agnès Poirier's book "Left Bank" and the other is "Becket Remembering / Remembering Beckett". The former is one about writers' and artists' youth in Paris during the period of World War II. The latter is one about an author who left amazing harvests as novels and plays. In both Samuel Beckett appears as an important person. I should be embarrassed because I have never read his works. His masterpiece "Waiting For Godot" can be watched/available on YouTube? I have such a sly idea...

At first, I started reading "Left Bank" and I reminded you of the young artists in Paris. You were the person who lived with boxes that contained a lot of books. The boxes were made of cardboard. When you were a student from Colombia university, you used these boxes as a kind of furniture and lived such a poor life. And also I reminded of my young days. When I was a student of Waseda, I had lived in a "single room" apartment for students and lied on its wall and read "Moon Palace" (so I made a big spot on the wall!). And I imagined about your adventure and wandering...

But is youth such a beautiful thing? Yes, even I might envy the young people who might be their 20 because they are so fresh. Now I have a body that is losing various ability and my brain will be so. Now I'm losing my freshness and getting to death... this idea makes me blue. In that way, the young people who can grow up freely might have infinite possibilities. But... such "infinite possibilities" and also the question "Who I am?" is also the thing they have to owe in their life. That means youth, doesn't that? I think so...

Now I am living with autism and creating my life. Autism might be my epitaph. I gave up various things because of this autism. And I threw away extra possibilities and have tried to realize the one I really want to do so. That was the start point of my life. Marco, that was also your truth, wasn't that? You find various important things in the adventure "Moon Palace" describes, and you also must lose important things to go forward. In the last line of "Moon Palace", you found single important truth as you have lost all of your treasure. I can remember that.


disco cat







ぼくは今でこそ、発達障害という障害を抱えて生きなければならないことを覚悟しています。発達障害故に諦めたことはそれなりにあります。でも、そうやって要らない可能性を捨てて自分が本当にしっくりくる可能性だけを追求しようと思ったところからぼくの人生はスタートしました。マーコ、あなたもそうだったのではないですか? あなたは『ムーン・パレス』で語られる冒険の末に大事なものをいくつも見つけます。と同時に、大事なものを捨てたり失ったりせざるをえません。『ムーン・パレス』の最後、すべてを喪失したあなたが見つけた巨大な真理についてぼくは思い出すことができます。



2022/01/11 English

BGM: Paul Weller "Sunflower"

Today was a day off so I went back to my parents' home. In this "changing the years" season, I had worked so I couldn't go back. But I didn't do anything special although I went back. My parents and I sat at Kotatsu (a Japanese heater) and do some net surfing by a computer, or watched "Mitokoumon" (a Japanese famous traditional drama in which samurai appears) or Sumo. Just doing them, we spent three hours. I started reading Susumu Sogo's "Can't live without movies 1999-2002" from the bookshelf. This is quite an interesting book so I read into this even if I have already read it once.

I have all 6 volumes of books of Sogo Susumu's this column "Can't live without movies" that had been written until 2018. In this column, he shows a citizen's philosophy, which is sometimes about the pride of his job, the insight into the way of living, knowledge about movies and jazz. It was easy to read and profound. I had started reading this column when I was 40 years old. I was surprised because Susumu Sogo had begun this column from the end of the 40s. It was an amazing fact and embraced me. I still have the time to learn and develop myself. I should make myself progress until I will able to write like him.

Reading one of the columns, I thought what should be "the pro's attitude"? I have done my work for over 20 years but do I have anything to show and pride as a pro? Or, writing is also the thing I have kept on doing, but I can't say I'm a pro because it doesn't make money. In short, I do my work as one of my duty and write something as DIY. Everything must be a selfish satisfaction... but I think I do my best at the chance I have been given. What should this attitude be called?

I'm now over 40s but I think this. When I was young, I thought or believed that at this age I must have done everything I wanted to do. Every pleasant thing must have been experienced, therefore I couldn't be flesh... But now, I feel that "Mitokoumon" has various catchy tricks to make people enjoy the world. The movies I have started from my 40s tell me various cool things if I watch more and more. Even Yasujiro Ozu's "Tokyo Story" can be enjoyed as an "evergreen masterpiece". Now is the fresher period than once I believe.


BGM: Paul Weller "Sunflower"

今日はオフだったので実家に帰った。正月間、ずっと仕事をしていたのでなかなか帰れなかった。だが、帰ったといっても特にこれといってなにか特別なことをやるわけでもなく、両親と3人でコタツを囲みながらそれぞれパソコンを弄ったり『水戸黄門』や大相撲を観たりするくらいだった。それだけで3時間あっという間に過ぎてしまった。私は実家の本棚から十河進『映画がなければ生きていけない 1999-2002』という本を取り出して読み始めた。これがなかなか面白い本で、2度目の読書となるのだけれど惹き込まれてしまった。




The First Letter


Dear Marco Stanley Fogg

Hello. How are you doing? How the corona disaster in New York is going on? In Japan, we are worrying about the sixth wave. The meetings I will attend should be the online ones on ZOOM. Marco, this year I will be 46 years old. When I was 20 years old, I read an adventure "Moon Palace" by Paul Auster which you appear as the main character. 26 years passed... what a long way. At that time, I couldn't forecast the era as now would come. Even a lot of ideologues discussed the future of the internet age...

Marco, how old are you now? All I can do to see how you are and what you are doing is just to read the novel "Moon Palace". It was a pity but I don't have any good ability of memory so I can't remember "Moon Palace" well. But it was a very sad, and beautiful story for me. I might have to read "Moon Palace" again to see you again. Reading it again, I can meet you again in that novel. I even might find myself again. The person who had read that novel with a certain passion.

In "Moon Palace", you should be 20 years old. 20... yes, I lived that age. Today was a "coming of age day" in Japan. People praise youth. 20 must be the most beautiful day... they say so. (Paul Nizan was the person who said so? I have never read his works). But it was a terrible era for me when I was 20. There were too many possibilities so I couldn't see what I should choose. I even couldn't see what I would be able to do. So I just felt the pressure.

At my 20, I went to Waseda University. In Japan, almost everyone knows what Waseda is. It must be a famous university as Colombia University you went to. But even I went to such a big university, I felt terrible at that time. Marco, that's youth? I can say this clearly. Now is the happier period for me than my youth. Of course, I lost the possibilities. I can't become what I want. But I can live seriously with a certain responsibility.

From now, I will write about my story, my truth. See you.







