I worked early today. This lunchtime, after having a "bento", I thought about what position I support as a political stance/attitude. A so-called Liberal guy or an old-fashioned nationalist? Radical left or traditional conservative? Once, when I was a college student (about 19 or 20 years old), I supported a very radical (and in a way, "daydreaming") leftism, which meant that Japan must not have any army actually under the constitution that declares eternal and universal peace. Of course, it must be absolutely impossible. Now I accept that fact. However, at that age, I chose how massively/powerfully my logic/ideology could defeat others at any argument only.
Now, I guess my attitude seems to be a sort of conservativism, which means attempting to save various traditions we actually have and also improving them for future eventually. How and why could this drastic change in me have happened? Literally, because now I can feel these things by looking everywhere in our life; We can have many traditional products such as our architecture, our cultural items (for example, Jun Etou's book about Souseki Natsume I bought today), and the very fertile Japanese language source I have been soaked into every day.
In other words, once I felt that this country must have been just a bunch of nonsense. What a shame! However, definitely, since I was 40, when I started learning English through various activities with my friends, my human character or basic personality has been trained toward the current state (I believe that it can be a certain process of improving/progressing forward step by step).
After today's work, I joined the English conversation class. In today's class, we learned how to write business emails and casual chitchat or text messages. In addition, we shared each one's idea of a so-called "dream job" in ourselves. TBH, I've been learning English like this with the wish to become a guide or an interpreter who would work for the city where I live, and that's an ideal job for me (at least, based on a dream I have in me). Once, I adored Haruki Murakami and even dreamed of "collapsing" this country's traditional literature completely. Oh, this can also tell me my inner drastic change.