BGM: Aimee Mann - Wise Up
This morning, I had found that my throat didn't work because of a cold. At last, I decided to go to the clinic. After sending the LINE message about this to the facility manager of my group home, I went to there. I did a test to find out if I could have got any flu, and got some medicines to endure this illness. Oh my goodness! Although my body had had only 36.6 which had not been high for me (the result of the test taught me I have got just a cold, not anything *positive*.)
Coming back from that clinic, I stayed in my room. Of course, I tried to lay my body down on the bed and get a nap. But my autistic mind didn't allow me to stay still, so I gave up and started reading a Japanese great novelist Toshiyuki Horie's latest collection of his essays (堀江敏幸『中継地にて』.) I found out that Horie is good at catching various voices from anywhere. In other words, he must have good ears to hear and find out them.
Horie has read a lot of books (yes. For me, he is one of the most trustable book reviewers in this country, or this world.) He always tries to find out various authors' actual voices within the lines of their writings. He also writes great philosophical ideas with his own quiet but powerful style/voice. He also writes about the actual voices he has met in his private life. Yes, he has really keen senses to feel those voices.
Although the medicines I have got seems started their working, I still have felt a sore throat. Anyway, I can't say anything because of this throat! After the dinner, I still tried to stay quiet, but my tensed mind kept me awake.
What books are the best ones in this year for me? Oh, it was really (TBH, in a way *as always*) a messed up year. Tried to write poor poems, or tried to think about the tradition of conservativism in Japan - and now, I've been interested in various traditional heritages of world literature. But this decision will vanish tomorrow (as you know, tomorrow is always another day.)