
Life goes on brah!

2024/04/19 English

BGM: Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

I worked late today. This morning, I read Kumiko Kanno's "Hard Life Age [菅野久美子『生きづらさ時代』]". I felt that this author must have the same kind of keen sense as Chuck Palahniuk and Bret Easton Ellis, which certainly captures how hard to survive this life (although I have not read their novels completely, and also their works are different from each other). After reading this, I tried to think about the truly "trendy" concept. It's the "solitary".

Now, we can find various friends so easily/quickly by using the internet (for example, using social media or dating apps). But, in my opinion, Kanno tries to describe in this collection of essays many peoples' various sicknesses or hardships that tend to isolate them from the world. Kanno is very good and clever at writing their lives by becoming an invisible observer (like an angel in Wim Wenders's movie "Wings of Desire").

She must have strong and critical opinions/beliefs at her core, but actually, she represents them in a gentle, honest way. Her writings are so plain/easy to accept/understand and also become touchy. I need to follow her other work more and also read "Fight Club" and "American Psycho" again.

But, where the feeling of "solitary" comes from? Thinking about this, I have to go back to the simple fact. Now, it seems the magical internet rules this world, whole this globe completely. As for me, on the internet now I have plenty of friends all over the world whom I can share various topics such as Haruki Murakami's literature or Phil Collins and Genesis's music with.

But, even within such a rich relationship with others, I often feel isolated/separated by the outer world... thinking about this, I reached this paradoxical idea. I can meet/contact my friends so easily, THEREFORE I can often feel that there can be tiny misunderstandings or miscommunications. Of course, this is not your fault.

By the way... there are plenty of friends in my life in real life and on the internet. Once, I tried so hard to be liked by literally everyone (in a way, I tried to become a perfect, massive superhero who must be ultra-smart). Now, I have given up that and shown how I am weak and imperfect, but people listen to my story (as you read this journal). C'est la vie?