It was a day off today. This morning, I went to the hospital and saw my doctor. We talked about my mental and physical condition. After that, I went to AEON but did nothing special. At the bookstore at AEON, I tried to find out the latest paperback of my favorite author Brady Mikako, but couldn't find it, therefore I had to give up.
This afternoon, after having a nap, I started writing the first piece of my novel actually. At first, I had thought the title could be "Word Salad". But after thinking for a while about that, I decided to name it "Kotonoha Salad". I don't want to write any "big" dreams about this - as you might have already known, my mind can changes really easily because of autism. All I have to do is just to keep on writing it with a certain steady attitude.
After having written the piece (and also, after having translated it into English,) I started writing the draft of the next presentation I'm going to do on the final Thursday of this month. At first, I had thought it should be about Discord itself. Why do I keep on using Discord? And what kind of things I have learned by using it? (especially, through the connection of our group "World's End Pharmacy") etc.
But, through writing it, my mind has started changing its figure (yes, as I've written above!) I started thinking about the "diversity". Especially, I started remembering the part of Brady Mikako's book "I Am Yellow, White and a Little Blue: The Real British Secondary School Days [ぼくはイエローでホワイトで、ちょっとブルー]" which has referred to diversity itself. As that nonfiction by her explains us, diversity is really "sensitive" concept to treat (therefore, on X, you can find plenty of troubles about this concept among Japanese "serious" users.)
I am NEVER a wise person. I am just a incomplete one who has always (yes, actually ALWAYS) been haunted by various [censored - but I believe you can guess this] idea. So, I have to confess you this. I keep on learning diversity through several conversations with various people.
This evening, I talked with a Chinese friend on WeChat. She taught me her life, and also embraced me. It has been really precious, wonderful moment - so I have promised her to show my new English version of that "Kotonoha Salad."