
Life goes on brah!

Entries from 2024-02-15 to 1 day

2024/02/14 BGM: John Lennon - (Just Like) Starting Over

人生を〈半分〉降りる―哲学的生き方のすすめ (ちくま文庫 な 27-4)作者:中島 義道筑摩書房Amazon両親の住む実家から出て、10時半ごろグループホームにふたたび戻った。ぼくの部屋の本棚でぼくは三島由紀夫の文庫本を見つけたので(『文化防衛論』や『豊饒の…

2024/02/14 English

BGM: John Lennon - (Just Like) Starting OverGoing out from my parents' house, I returned to my group home at about 10:30. On the bookshelf of my room, I had found some Japanese paperbacks by Yukio Mishima so I brought them to this home, an…