I had two days off (today and tomorrow). This morning, after joining the English meeting on Zoom, I went to AEON as a morning activity. There, I started enjoying reading Yu Shinada's book "Thunder Goes Straight a Giraffe, So What?" [品田遊『キリンに雷が落ちてどうする』], with Ryuichi Sakamoto's remix album "Bricolages". A really interesting combination of music and the book.
This Shinada's book is a public journal, as I have been writing like this. For him, this serial work can have played the role of venting his inner junk ideas (he calls them "stagnations"). In my case, TBH I can't tell why I started writing this journal (however, my autistic character tends to disturb my novel writing which basically requires a certain unyielding, steady attitude to think about only one theme for a long period. My moods can change so easily!).
After reading Yu Shinada's book halfway through, I changed the music to G. Love and Special Sauce and started writing my intended ideas on the memo pad in English. Following Shinada, I might have to do my "mental sketch" which means just to let mine out so freely with a little courage to throw my mental rubbish away to lighten myself. In other words, to defrag myself.
This afternoon, after having lunch and taking a nap, I went to the main house of my group home to see the sub-admin to share my problems. It was a very "adult" thing, therefore I won't tell you about that. She gave me various honest, intimate advice to me. However, these were about how I could have (or maybe "enjoy") any romantic love/relationship, which could be out of my expectations. Of course, I'm feeling thankful for them. However, then how the male admin could accept this issue as an owner of partly the same identity essence (I believe you can understand what I am talking about)?
After that meeting, I went to AEON again to see the dentist there. After finishing the treatment, I went to the used bookstore in this town to find something interesting even though I had only a little money. Then, I found a guidebook about Willard V. O. Quine's theories so decided to buy that (OH NO!). After returning to my group home, I read that guidebook with Yellow Magic Orchestra's marvelous album "Technodelic" and thought about various junk ideas again.