I worked early today. This morning, I joined the morning English meeting on Zoom as usual. Today's topic was what news sources we trust every day (for example, so-called influencers, social media, mass media, etc. In my case, I trust the people who share the news, not the platforms themselves). After that, a member shared with us the topic of the hottest/trendiest word award [流行語大賞].
This morning time, I looked back to my childhood when I had to struggle with my autistic character lonelily (because, as you already know probably, people started accepting autism as an important term after the 90s I remember). At that period, my parents kept telling me that I must have been a tender kid, but other classmates said it must be bullshit and I must be crazy. That tortured my identity into pieces (or I should have become a tender but crazy guy, who had double personalities in himself).
What a coincidence. This afternoon, during a lunch break, on a LINE chat group I enjoyed discussing how each one's identity must be (it can be related to one's nationality or ethnicity? Or, one can separate their identity from that background and live their own life freely and independently?). Once, when I was so young I could think that I would be able to live alone and also separated from any national essences, I blamed my nationality (it must be consisted of various Japanese traditional essences) as crap or an illusion.
Simply, I tried to become completely "universal" (like the existence beyond any nationalities, just like plenty of anime characters I can think of. Of course, it is never possible, though. So, I can tell that I am never as transparent as water. Within me, there must be a chaotic cluster of various identity essences like soup. That is a sort of diversity in my opinion.
This afternoon, I also thought about what kind of Japanese I should use so easily and kindly for others to deliver my opinions. Does it sound like the so-called, notorious "tone policing"? Also, I want to share today's English conversation class (we enjoyed how in the US people enjoy shopping for this Christmas season). However, there's no space to write down those things already...