I had a day off. This morning, I went to the main house of my group home to see the admin and get the money for living. There, we talked about recent topics I have experienced mainly. After that, I went to the library to borrow Alexis de Tocqueville’s book "Democracy in America". Then, I found an interesting one, "Five-colored Moebius [五色のメビウス]", so I also borrowed it. After that, I went to AEON and bought a schedule book for the coming year. From the next one, I want to manage my schedule more firmly (also, to look back at my past days more easily).
After having lunch and taking a nap, I wondered what I would do because I felt exhausted from working five days in a row. However, I couldn't stay in my room still because of this hyperactive character, so finally I went to a temple where a friend was working as a priest to enjoy watching a ginkgo tree, and also wanted to talk with him if possible. But, he was not there so I asked his family to use the tea room to write some ideas onto my memo pad.
Listening to a remix album of Ryuichi Sakamoto's music "Bricolages", at there I started reading "Five-colored Moebius". This book tells us that there are many scandalous facts about foreigners working in here, this small country. Mainly, workers from Asian countries such as Vietnam have to experience various cheats by several agents, and also in Japan they tend to struggle with Japanese residents' exclusive attitudes, especially during the coronavirus pandemic (this book was published in 2022).
Besides that reading, I took a pic of that ginkgo tree and shared it with my friends. They were pleased by that, and I felt very thankful for their friendship with them. In Japan, a certain Xmas celebrating mood seems to be occurring, and that is absolutely crucifying lonesome people. Once I hated and even blamed that mood, but now I can enjoy Xmas mood with many friends in this town and also the so-called cyberspace. Oh, once I tried to decide that I would live alone to become so tough person. So tough enough to live alone myself like the main characters of some hard-boiled novels or movies... However, now I'm thinking that connections with other people, or with the outer world must train us so firmly.