
Life goes on brah!

2024/11/01 English



BGM: The Style Council - Shout To The Top

I worked late today. This morning, with The Style Council's evergreen songs I read Benjamin Kritzer's marvelous book "Frustrating Justice [ベンジャミン・クリッツァー『モヤモヤする正義』]" completely. In this book, the author discusses the so-called "weak males [弱者男性]". TBH, I am now 49 and haven't gotten married yet. Therefore, Kritzer's very honest and diligent discussions about this issue enlightened me a lot, but also I felt that I had to be careful not to accept his ones too rapidly, too easily without "tasting" them well. At first, I need to doubt if I can be such a weak male guy.

How can I discuss this kind of abstract, but important issues with others? I posted about this book in the few LINE groups I belong to, then got some responses from other members and could enjoy creative dialogues well (yes, definitely The Style Council's music suited these discussions well), and this fact told me that I am still having a certain hope, or wish of enjoying any possibility of communication with others. Maybe that's why I've been learning English like this.

I need to ask about this again. Am I a weak male? TBH, I want to declare that in public, and also to wish our government (or any establishments) would give us money, and also save us appropriately... However, as you can see, in this world it seems we "the men" still have ruled this world, and that ruling has created this world's "masculine" atmosphere. Therefore, I might "ride" that masculine trend unconsciously. Then, how can I change or get off such a silly "power game"?

At a break time in today's work, I enjoyed more discussions with other members on LINE. In animals' lives/worlds, there must be various "male societies", in which the so-called "only the strong males survive" atmosphere rules that scenery. TBH, for this weak guy typing this journal, that mood is ALSO too tough to enjoy everyday life with a pleasant mind. However, then the feminism will save this weak guy who is already coming to 50 (therefore not so young) well? I want to find a possibility within that liberal idea unless it won't hurt or crucify anyone because of its "too-correct", and "too-severe" ideology.