Why do people "tweet" or "post" something (mainly in public)? TBH, recently I had a tiny discussion on Twitter, and remembered the days when I had tried to become a kind of "keyboard fighter" who attempted to justify myself against the world. Not only on Twitter, but also on other social media we can find various arguments. Why do these social media make me so argumentative? I must remember that I am only an ordinary worker whose identity is based on no academic knowledge (it's so embarrassing that I have forgotten to check the next English class out completely).
In other words, I am just an amateur in various genres. Literature, music, and autism... However, as you can see easily, now many professional people (intellectuals, politicians, celebrities...) show how foolish they can be in public. Therefore, some cool and cynical people say that now the wall between pro and amateur has become thinner. However, then how can I treat these "professional" people? I may try to defeat them logically, but is that so good? This morning, I thought about this.
However, it was too hot simply to think about this kind of serious topic. I couldn't think that anymore because of my insomnia, therefore, I read a friend of mine, Victoria's post on Facebook which wrote about the pleasure of reading books. Oh, I can remember that good old "before internet era" when so many books had been treated as brand new media... Already at that era, I must have been a strange kid who was true "a book-addicted guy" or "literally a bookworm".
Certainly, at that time, this town's library was an intimate, precious "third place" for me which always gave me great comfort. Also, I enjoyed buying books at a bookstore in this town (for example, Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood" etc.) Now, these real places that provide us the citizens the certain places to read paper books have been certainly decreasing. Probably, we are already/always reading the electric texts too much on the internet. At least, in my case I might lose the ability to read books because of aging. However, I believe I can't stand spending the time without doing anything but reading. Books are always on my side certainly (yes, in my bag, in my room, etc...).