
Life goes on brah!

2024/07/09 English



  • アーティスト:Blur
  • Emi
BGM: Blur - Girls & Boys (Pet Shop Boys Remix)

I worked early today. This morning, I attended a Zoom meeting with my Facebook friends. There, we talked about various political topics for a while in English (for example, Gaza, Palestine, Ukraine, etc). A member asked us if every country had a woman as its leader. It has been a provoking suggestion/question to me, therefore I have thought about that before starting today's work.

What if that situation was realized? If every country started having its feminine leader... Even though I think it could not be an ideal situation that could bring us eternal world peace (because I have ever been hated terribly by almost all female classmates in school, and learned that girls often can become controversial in conversations), I agree with the opinion which says masculine leaders must love to show their energic hegemonies in public.

Now is the time of diversity, therefore I tend to imagine this (like John Lennon had tried in his evergreen song). Does this world need more "autistic" leaders as politicians or presidents in companies? How would you think about this idea? Of course, we need to be careful not to go back to the nightmare era (the era when "eugenic" ideology or any other single ultimate forceful ideology had tried to color this world as a single, monotone color brutally). Oh, sorry. It must be a too sensitive topic. However, I believe this kind of imagining must have its great value.

As I have written these journals, I am an autistic guy. Therefore, I may have so "weird" questions in my mind. For example, "Why is peace so precious?" and "How can I share my answer to that question with other people?". You may say I must be kidding, however, I am serious. Probably this way of thinking has been built from my daily life experiences (for example, even when I purchase something at convenience stores, I tend to find how difficult for me to have any simple conversation). Yes, as you see, this is an aspect of the fact that you are autistic...

After today's work, I enjoyed English conversation class. Today's topic was how daily life and communities in America are. We shared Japanese real facts about them with others and even enjoyed some discussions a lot. Yes, a quite thrilling day.