I had a day off today, and this morning I went to a hospital to tell my doctor about my condition. After that, I got some medicines at a pharmacy. This afternoon I had a certain free time so I tried to write the handout as free writing homework for the English classes. But I had to struggle to find what I should write. The teachers had taught us we could write anything freely, so my brain had thought about various pieces of ideas such as George Orwell's "1984" or Bret Easton Ellis's "American Psycho" (what a bookish mind!).
As I have written above, in this mind there must be a talkative personality who wants to be satisfied with others' acceptance. I remember when I was a teenager... As Orwell writes in his essay about his ambition to become a writer in his childhood, I had an ambition to become a writer since I was a kid. I even wrote various articles as a wannabe to try to become a journalist. So, I would keep on writing this kind of journal and articles personally as you are reading now even if Discord and Facebook could stop their services.
Finally, I thought of an interesting topic about "English names" by reading some articles on the internet. When I was a kid, I adored "English names" because my true name "Tatsuro" seemed truly masculine, and also very Japanese. How much I had adored sophisticated, cool names such as "Ryu Murakami" or "Hayao Miyazaki". However, the more I have kept on trying to learn various things such as American culture and this town's history through the English classes and various meetings with my friends, the more I can accept my name as a crystal of historical/traditional essence.
After writing that homework, I went back to my group home again. There, I checked my draft for the next presentation on the next Thursday again and sent it to the host person through Facebook. As some philosophers noticed with their keen eyes, if I had been given too much freedom to do whatever I could do, I would get confused and even start wishing as I just needed a clue to find what I should do... But then, what can I write about this kind of handout paper or this journal? May I beg you a clue about this?